Students and Nonprofits together for the Greater Good
Fostering technical growth and community service.
Under served nonprofits are starved for technical assistance and have very little in the way of resources.
Students are looking for ways to show employers and colleges that they are self-motivated, community conscious and technically skilled. Ideally this can be demonstrated in real world experiences.
The needs of both groups are perfectly matched and together can be a force multiplier.
The need is great…
Small nonprofits who aren’t among the largest and most well known are struggling from a lack of resources and technical know how needed to raise awareness of their cause.
Many lack social media presence or web sites dedicated to the suffering they are well acquainted with. A very small group of motivated volunteers are overwhelmed and welcome any technical help they can get.
Learning Together
Growing up in a highly connected world, students possess the technological knowledge and social media savvy that many nonprofits do not. They have the ability to grow and demonstrate that knowledge given the right opportunity. Tech Transcends marries the need of nonprofits to provide real world projects 'that will let student’s technological, writing and advocacy skills bloom and expose them to problems that are not theoretical. Problems that they can help solve together.
Support for the Under Served
While adding valuable and demonstrable achievements to their resume, we hope to show students the value of serving their community and making a difference. We hope to raise awareness of those in need and introduce them to the importance of giving back.
Conversely, we hope to allow small nonprofits to advance their cause and grow in ways that were unavailable to them due to lack of manpower or resources.
“See a need. Fill a need.”
— Frank A. Rzomp, Executive Director techtranscends.org

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(443) 909-8089