My name is Frank A. Rzomp. In February of 2020, my wife, Angie, was diagnosed with early onset Primary Progressive Aphasia, a type of Frontal Temporal Dementia. She had been losing her ability to communicate over the last year and was beginning to lose her ability to understand what others were saying to her. Behavioral problems followed and eventually we needed a caregiver to come to our home daily while I went to work. This has been devastating to both my wife, myself and my children.
Throughout this trying time, I began to attend support groups to help me deal with the varied emotions that come with our situation. I met heroically dedicated social workers and others who gave any spare time and energy they had to helping others. I was exposed to nonprofits that helped people who were suffering. Many had almost no resources to support their worthy causes.
Once the nonprofits learned about my background in software development and project management, I found myself helping out with web sites, social media, newsletters, emails, Zoom administration, etc… You name it, I did anything technical that I had time for. No matter how much I did, it always seemed like it was not enough. There was always more need.
Then one day while preparing to send my son off to the University of Maryland, I was thinking of the kind of experiences he would need to have to be successful finding a job after college.
This was exactly the kind of experience that these nonprofits had ample supply of and ample need as well. It seemed a perfect match to me.
Shortly after, was created. My greatest hope is that we can give these nonprofits the support that they deserve and our students experiences that help them grow in their given field and also in the spirit of giving.